Mandala of Potentials - The Integration of Wisdom / Knowledge
The word Mandala from the Sanskrit means circle and completion, representing the universe. Western Psychology sees the Mandala as a representation of the unconscious self.
Spiritual geometry combines these two views to create your ‘Mandala of Potentials’. As numbers are each like a little Mandala that contains far more spiritual knowledge than their finite frame would suggest possible, creating your personal Mandala will surely give you insight into the infinite potential contained within your own consciousness and show causality, meaning and purpose for your life.
What does your name sound like?
What chords resonate when someone calls your name? Your name is a melody that echoes your ultimate soul aim, as out pictured through your personality, which like a magnet,
attracts opportunities in your life. Discover the key to success and happiness inscribed in your name.
Enjoy the results of our many years of research and experience in name analysis to answer questions reguarding: Relationships, Careers, Finances and Health.
For a comprehensive chart I will require your full name given at birth (First, Middle and Last Name), also your date of birth (Month, Day and Year) Prior to your appointment.
Contact Celine for your personalized interpretation.
email: Phone: (403) 240-4103