postheadericon If you ask yourself:

What was the most difficult situation I have had to face in my life?

You will certainly come up with several, as each one of these scenarios seemed to be the most important, in it’s own time. However, if you are still identifying with a particular event, then you have become magnetized to a story.

Here, the science of numbers can help to create a bridge to facilitate the deeper understanding of the impermanent nature of each event and reveal a link to the Karma involved.

The hardest lessons for any of us will undoubtedly be presented through our families. The first one, which we will need to master, will surely be non-attachment. For instance, attachment to expectations naturally generates the need to be right which becomes the driving force that keeps us identified with a story or event, thereby producing the illusion of permanence, the root cause of all afflictive emotions. As this view becomes entrenched, future relationships will consequently be denied the freedom of their heart-felt expression, only because the individual’s template for relationships has yet to be examined.

On the other hand, when we see ourselves as part of a learning group that came together to contribute to each other’s soul healing and development, the result is a shift of focus from blame to responsibility. It is a most empowering realization as it facilitates a move from seeing oneself as a mere victim of circumstances and affords us instead the freedom to execute change. While numbers provide the framework for this lifetime, it nevertheless is only through open-mindedness that transformation can occur.

Buddhist Numerology is both an art and a method that will help you transform any situation and heal the corresponding afflictive emotions.

postheadericon What is your main concern today?

  • Romantic relationships
  • Family
  • Career / Co-workers
  • Finances


"Whatever the conflict, no situation is permanent.  Buddhist Numerology offers a fresh perspective from which to consider the causes and conditions that have given rise to these events "      

- Celine Wiliamson

Contact Celine!